Navarre Dickson Fine Art


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44" x 44" oil on panel. 2021.

I wanted everything about this painting to be ambiguous - the period it was painted, what's happening, when it's happening, etc. The story that the viewer comes up with is certainly more interesting than whatever I could assign it.

This painting is a combination of direct and indirect techniques. All flesh has been painted indirect and almost everything else is direct, although still done in distinct layers.

The composition has been designed around a diagonal line of symmetry that's suggested by the front leg and glowing pink ball. Although it's not truly symmetrical, I tried to specifically balance areas of weight, whether they are highly patterned areas, or the human figure with emotional weight. In some cases, specifically with the secondary figure and the floor shadows, I was more faithful to symmetry with similar colors and values.

If you are interested in process shots and video from the past few years of working on this painting, please visit my instagram ( and/or YouTube ( Follow or subscribe for future WIP.